Sunday, April 30, 2006

To the point SEO Success Guide

Keyword research

  • Work out the best keywords to target based on relevance and KEI for each webpage on the site (or as many as possible).

  • Limit the KWs to target of each page to 1 or 2 one phrase.

  • To keep track of which keywords the pages has to target put them in the Meta KW tag, a very good tag to keep track of this, hehe.

On-Page Optimization

  • Domain name: Get the most important KW in the domain name. Don’t make it look spammy, if the visitor feels it spammy, Google for sure also thinks so.

  • Title: Try to make variations of the KW. Don’t repeat the same word more than 2 times and not after each other. Keep company name in the end of the title if branding is needed.

  • Internal navigation: Each web page HAS to be reachable within two clicks (if not a site based on a db). If not with navigation structure then with a sitemap. Isolate if any webpages are more important than others and if so, get more links to it. For example if the homepage is very important make a link to it from each page - both for the visitors and for the SEs. Avoid navigation with flash or some complex js - but if you HAVE to keep it then have a normal HTML navigation on the bottom of the page.

  • Use H1 and H2 tags with KWs in them and define them in the CSS file. Use the headings in a sensible and logical way to avoid possible filters.

  • Meta desc: KW in the beginning, action for the visitor in the end.

  • KW rich text starts early in the source: Use CSS-P for this and get the CSS and JS in external files.

  • Page contains a lot of text: You should strive for to keep your web pages at least 250 words each.

  • Use the Title attribute in the anchor tags.

  • Use ALT description tags on the images.

  • Use the strong tag if possible to emphasize KWs.

  • Spread out the KWs in the body text. Avoid a too high density, if it feels a bit spammy, reduce it. You write for the visitors not the SEs.

  • In case you have any tables use the summary attribute.

  • Use XML and put all design in the external CSS file to reduce the file sizes and make it “easier” for the spiders to see the content.

  • Avoid frames and flash based site.

  • Avoid poison words in the title, headings, file name and other important places.

  • Use static URLs. If you use a db get it mod_rewritten.

  • Use dashes in the URLs. Confirmed by my own SEO test as well as on the Google blog by GG as well as Matt Cutts.

  • Keep your files under 100K. (spiders may disregard additional)

  • If needed break up words in the source so they form keywords by using “word-spacing:-4px” with CSS.

  • Have your content change/updated on a regular basis so the spiders will come more often. If this is not done manually you can rotate/randomize text with PHP. This maybe also will rank you higher.

  • Avoid ANY kind of bad hat SEO or anything could mistakenly be seen as bad hat. This includes doorways, non-301 redirects, hidden texts or links, spamming, mirror domains, cloaking etc.

  • Validate the code by W3C so you make it easier for the SE spiders.

  • Never link to any site that could be seen as a bad site.

  • Use 301 to get the PR on one version of the domain name (confirmed by GG on WMW and by Matt Cutts on his blog)

  • If you have any link to an unimportant page let say copyright terms on each page use the rel=nofollow so that you distribute the PR more to your other pages than that one.

Off-page optimization

  • Get links from high PR pages to your site. Try to have them related in the same theme. Avoid excessive reciprocal linking, it could be penalized - three way linking is better.

  • Avoid temporary links to your site, the older they are the better.

  • Get your KWs in the anchor text of the links to your site.

  • Avoid excessive crosslinking.

  • Whenever you feel that “now I have enough links”, set a new goal to double them.

  • Good ways to get links: Write and submit high quality articles to article sites, write something unique and useful, get into niche directories (also general once are ok.) But avoid the FFA type in which there is no approval.

  • Make a Google sitemap and submit it.

  • Get a reliable host that has more than 99% uptime, is fast and is not hosting bad sites (you don’t want to be in a bad neighbourhood.)

  • Submit your site to SEs and directories ONLY manually.

Factors in the long run

  • Content is not King. UNIQUE content is King. Huge difference. Write something valuable that has not been written before and you will see what I mean.

  • Add more unique content on a regular basis. Try to write at least an article or web page with text per week.

  • Build your web site big. One big good one is much better than 10 small not-so-good ones.

  • Have good statistics and analyze from where you get your visitors, their paths on your site and finetune it.

  • Observe: Look and observe all the time. Check the SERPs, check the stats, check this, check that and learn. If something goes good reinforce it, if something was not good remedy it.

Personal recommendations

  • If you have a site about information try to specialize it in a certain niche.

  • Make a SEO friendly directory in your niche of speciality. You will get a huge benefit of this. You can ask or make them sign up for your newsletter when submitting their site. When you send your newsletter make it valuable information and you won’t get any unsubscribers.

  • Do your research before starting a new site. Look at which sites are already existing, what is needed and wanted and then make one that is the best in a certain field. Like if you find there is 20 similar sites like the one you want to make, figure out how you can make it the best of them.

  • If you offer services try to always give more than what is expected and you will build up a good reputation.

  • Find forums in your special field and provide useful information and help people by answering their questions etc. Have your site in the signature and you will see that it will be more known.

  • In the bodytext concentrate on the visitor and not on yourself.

  • If you have a site that sells things or services, don’t speak about money the first thing but how you can help the visitor. In addition add pages to the site with valuable information that will drive visitors to the site that maybe is not interested in your services but maybe in some month will be.

  • The big search engines have million of variables in their algo, don’t try to cheat it. Spend the time writing instead.

  • Study the SEO field by reading articles and forums to learn more each day and catch the algo changes and follow up with finetuning your site.

Best personal advice

  • Don’t make a web site to make money, make a web site to the benefit and help to your visitors and you will see that the money will come.

SEO Guide

A simple guide to optimizing your website for search engines.

Search engine optimization is the practice of designing or altering your websites content to rank higher in search engine results.

This SEO Guide is a fairly comprehensive review of the 'Themed Content" approach to search engine optimization. The "Themed Content" approach requires each page to be focused on a particular subject, that can be describe in 2-3 concise keyphrases.

This guide will not recommend any methods that are remotely questionable. Such tricks, while sometimes effective initially, usually run into trouble, and are often completely banned or ignored by search engines in the long run.

Our methods will help search engine determine what your pages are about, and the quality of your content will help them determine the value of your site. No Tricks.

Core Search Engine Optimization Elements

Title, Meta, Headers, Alt tags and Content

Optimize your Page Titles:

Your page title is one of the most valuable elements of search engine optimization. This tells the spider what your pages content is about. Use the keyphrases that best fit your pages theme.

Bad: "-------<<<<<<> >>>>>>-------"
Better: "Brand Keyword"
Best: "#1 Keyphrase | #2 Keyphrase | #3 Keyphrase"

Optimized Title:

"#1 Keyphrase | #2 Keyphrase | #3 Keyphrase"

Optimized Title for site that needs to focus on branding:
"Brand | #1 Keyphrase | #2 Keyphrase | #3 Keyphrase"

Optimized Title for site that needs some focus on branding:
"#1 Keyphrase | #2 Keyphrase | #3 Keyphrase | Brand"

Optimize your sites Keywords:

Some search engines place more importance on keyword meta data than others, but its always good to thoroughly theme every element.

2-3 keyphrases with variations (plural, spelling, partial, and added terms)

All Keyphrase "Search Engine Optimization"
All Keyphrase + word "Search Engine Optimization Guide"
Partial Keyphrase "Search Optimization"
Partial Keyphrase + word "Search Optimization Guide"
One Keyword "Optimization"
One Keyword + word "Optimization Guide"

Optimize the Meta Descriptions:

The description primarily gives search engine users an opportunity to 'preview' the content of the site by reading the description below your link in search engine result. The description should include your branded terms, top keyphrases, and promotional language that encourages searchers to click on your link in the search results.

Use Optimized H1, H2, and H3 Headers:

Also a very valuable aspect of search engine optimization. The header tags (H1, H2, H3 and so on) represent the beginning of a new section or area of a ages content, and alert search engine spiders of the relevancy of the content.

Bad: " no header tags at all "
Better: "Keyword" or "Relevant text"
Best: "#1 Keyphrase | #2 Keyphrase | #3 Keyphrase"
or H1= "#1 Keyphrase", H2 = "#2 Keyphrase", H3 = "#3 Keyphrase"
(be sure to place relevant keyword rich content below each header)

[ NOTE: CSS can be used to size the header tags to fit with any design. ]

Optimize your sites Content:

Sounds like yours is already relevant, maybe too rich though, there is no magic density %. Check the density of the sites with top 5 rankings for your phrases, match that density range.

Relevant Content:
Keep your content relevant to the pages theme.

Use Keywords / Keyphrases:
Be sure to use keywords / keyphrases in content. Break up a keyphrases and vary the placement. Underline, bold and or italicize the link for added emphasis.

All Keyphrase "Search Engine Optimization"
All Keyphrase + word "Search Engine Optimization Guide"
Partial Keyphrase "Search Optimization"
Partial Keyphrase + word "Search Optimization Guide"
One Keyword "Optimization"
One Keyword + word "Optimization Guide"

Keyword Density:
Keyword density is important to helping a search engine spider to determine what your website is all about. Use a keyword too seldom and the search engine spider doesn't place much value or relevance on on the page for that term. Use a term too often and the spider may perceive this as spamming, and devalue the page for that term.

Keyword density can be determined by using any number of popular textual density measurement tools. See our Search Engine Optimization Tools page for a Keyword Density Checker.

Use relevant Image Alt Text:

Alt tags are the textual description of an image that appears when your mouse is over an image. This alt text appears when the image cannot load for some reason, which is rare in our day of broad band. Since search engine spiders cannot see image text, the alt text provides a description of the image, the page it is on, or the page that a linked image is pointing to.

Relevant Content:
Keep your image alt tag content relevant to the pages theme. Each image should be assigned a relevant alt tag.

All Keyphrase "Search Engine Optimization"
All Keyphrase + word "Search Engine Optimization Guide"
Partial Keyphrase "Search Optimization"
Partial Keyphrase + word "Search Optimization Guide"
One Keyword "Optimization"
One Keyword + word "Optimization Guide"

Optimized URL Structure:

Domain Name, Directory Structure and Naming, File Names, Static URLs

What is your Domain Name...?

Bad: ""
Better: ""
Best: ""

What are your Folders Named...?

Bad: "/na/do/"
Better: "Word/Keyword/"
Best: "Keyphrase/Key_Phrase_+Word/"

What are your Pages Named...?

Bad: "prod.jsp?fl3%fl_id=11&fm%3mm_id=11"
Better: "RandomWords12345.html"
Best: "Free_Key_Phrase.html"

What do your final URLs look like...?

Bad: ""
Better: ""
Best: "www.Keyphrase .com/Key_Phrase_+Word/Key_Phrase_Terms.html"

[ NOTE: Although Google has exhibited the capacity to read, follow and index sites with URL that contain up to 4 variables it is best to implement URL rewrite so that Google and other search engines have the best opportunity to index and rank your pages. ]

Linking for Search Engines:

Inbound Links, Outbound Links, and Internal Linking Strategy

Inbound Link Optimization:

Links to your site are much like votes for your site. The more votes you get, the more popular a search engine perceives your site to be. The quality of the page linking to you can affect how much value a search engine spider may place on that link.

The text of a link helps to let the search engine spider know what the page it is traveling to is about. A keyphrase link will be viewed as a vote for your site regarding content related to that keyphrase.

Inbound Link Text Ratio:

1: Primary Keyphrase* - 50%

2: Primary Keyphrase with +word* - 25%

[ IE: "Keyphrase By Brand" or "GeoSpecificTerm Keyphrase" ]

3: Secondary Keyphrases* - 15%

4: Secondary Keyphrases with +word* - 10%

[ IE: "Keyphrase By Brand" or "GeoSpecificTerm Keyphrase" ]

* V
ary your keyphrase link text:

All Keyphrase "Search Engine Optimization"
All Keyphrase + word "Search Engine Optimization Guide"
Partial Keyphrase "Search Optimization"
Partial Keyphrase + word "Search Optimization Guide"
One Keyword "Optimization"
One Keyword + word "Optimization Guide"

Internal Linking Strategy:

Links count as votes whether from an external site or from other pages on your own site. Be sure to create a comprehensive navigation that appears on each page of your site, this will not only help visitors to navigate from page to page on your site, but will assist the search engine spiders in finding and indexing all of your pages and ranking them for relevant terms.

Use keyphrases relevant to the content of the page being linked to. Underline, bold or italicize the link for added emphasis.

Bad: "Home"
Better: "Brand Home"
Best: "Keyphrase" or "Keyphrase"

Outbound Links:

Sites with 300+ inbound links, and 3 outbound links, are very suspicious to the spiders...keep that in mind. Build linking relationships with quality sites, that have content that is complimentary to your own. Use relevant keyphrase text to link to sites with relevant content.

Use keyphrases relevant to the content of the page being linked to. Underline, bold or italicize the link for added emphasis.

Bad: "Home"
Better: "Brand Home"
Best: "Keyphrase" or "Keyphrase"